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More than 3 million hours of sessions have been performed by practitioners worldwide over the past 17 years, showing that Dynamical Neurofeedback® is 100% safe and non-invasive.

Testimonials from professionals

« I have seen very significant results in a number of cases: irritability, sleep disorders, hyperactivity, attention deficit, anxiety, depression, headaches..., Results I had not obtained for these people with psychotherapeutic or drug methods. Used in parallel, the different approaches reinforce each other; this mix of resources may be quite necessary for patients with severe disorders. There are some effects that occur very quickly, others that occur after several months. This method of brain regulation can bring so many benefits to so many people that it is urgent to make it known.»

Dr. Jean-Pierre Ledru
Psychiatrist, Clamart (92)
«Neuroptimal is the first interesting method I have learned and practiced since I studied in medical school. Neuroptimal helps practitioners and their clients to "disconnect from the matrix". An ultra-fast, cost-effective and enjoyable way to achieve optimal form and function. Neuroptimal is indescribable in words but must be experienced. »

Dr. Curt Pinchuck Psychiatrist,
«I have been a psychotherapist for 40 years, and I have never before seen people benefit from a therapeutic experience in the way they have done with NeurOptimal®. It is a source of humility for me, while being a very enriching experience»

Dr. Brian J. Kelly
NeurOptimal® Trainer, Bridgeport, CT 
«The use of NeurOptimal® has been a "life changing" process for me and the vast majority of my patients, friends and family in a subtle, smooth, and even difficult to define in some areas, while being quite direct and quite obvious in others. My opinion, as a scientist and clinician, is that this is the most powerful, sophisticated, advanced and non-linear technology available to transform itself today. »
Edward O’Malley Ph.D., 
Director, Sleep Healthcare of Connecticut
« Neuroptimal is one of the most powerful tools. I have some examples of night terrors that have completely stopped due to neurofeedback.»
Psychothérapeute , Aix en Provence
«I had been brought to work with a family... The girl was nine years old, and had a rather severe case of autism: no language, terrible outbursts of anger, to the point of beating her mother and leaving her bruised. The child was sent to me, and we had intense sessions for a month, usually twice a day. When we were finished, she was able to say five-word sentences, no longer had tantrums, had become clean, and could watch and change her own videos herself. This was a huge change for this family! This child's behaviour had improved considerably; she spent complete nights and felt happy during the day. Her cognitive abilities have changed drastically at home and at school. »
Dr. Lise’ DeLong
Cognitive Connections, Greenwood, IN
«Many athletes swear by neurofeedback and say it improves their performance. Among them, tennis champion Mary Pierce and Olympic gold medal skier Hermann Maier, not to mention the various players of the Italian football team that won the 2006 World Cup. The goal of neurofeedback, which is becoming increasingly popular for professionals and amateurs alike, is to train the brain so that an athlete can stay focused in competition. ... throughout the United States, athletes have quietly trained their brains[through neurofeedback]. Almost none of them will talk about it. I asked the main equipment manufacturer why. "They don't want their competitors to know they're doing it," replied Larry Klein, co-founder of Thought Technology in Montreal. Because they would also get into it and cancel out their advantage.»
« In my experience with neurofeedback and attention deficit disorder, many children are able to improve their reading ability and reduce their need for medication*. Neurofeedback also helps to reduce their impulsivity and aggressiveness. It is a powerful tool partly because the patient participates in the treatment by taking more control of his own physiological processes. »
Daniel Amen, 
Neuroscientifique clinique, Psychologue pour enfant et adolescent
D.T. Max, 
Journaliste à Men's Vogue

«I think all competitions require concentration. From failures at memory competitions and golf to ball-trap, tomorrow's champions will have to sharpen their minds with neurofeedback. The athlete who ignores this revolutionary technology will be outdated.»

Dominic O’Brien, 
World Memory Champion
«Neurofeedback is the future of competitive sports. It helped me to concentrate and stay relaxed despite the pressure. »
Richard Faulds, 
Médaille d'Or aux Jeux Olympiques de Sydney (2000)
« Neurofeedback allows me to stay focused in competition and more relaxed on a daily basis.»

Médaille de bronze aux Championnats d'Europe d'Aviron

Clients Testimonials

« As I was looking for other ways to reduce the effects of my daughter's ADHD, I discovered neurofeedback through another mother. I hope to be able to reduce the dosage of her treatment and therefore their side effects as the sessions progress. My daughter has now had 10 sessions once a week. She sleeps better and is able to concentrate better, approaches problems and takes on tasks with less anxiety. I have started Neurofeedback sessions for myself, and I feel a sense of distance from the triggers of my anxiety that I didn't have before. 
I no longer let myself be overwhelmed by anxiety, this distance allows me to look for ways to solve it rather than to suffer it.
We both continue the sessions and look forward to the results. »
Patricia M, Strasbourg
«I turned to Neurofeedback because I had very disabling migraines. I had read some testimonies on the internet that gave me hope. I had migraines with aura( I saw red flashes)
I had an average of 5 migraine attacks per month. I couldn't look at a computer screen for too long, I couldn't stand the light, the noise and the smells. 
These migraines made me nauseous on a regular basis. In those moments there was only rest in a dark and cool room that relieved me a little. I decided to try a few sessions and around the 6th grade I noticed an improvement.
I am at 20 sessions and my seizures have decreased considerably in intensity and frequency. In 10 weeks I had 3 migraine attacks. I no longer take my tablet systematically. I am thinking of taking 10 more sessions, more spread over time. I really recommend that people like me who suffer from such disabling seizures try it. »

Thibault M, Brumath
«Our 8-year-old son was diagnosed with hyperactivity. We have been through hell since first grade especially. The teachers reported bad behaviour at school, he didn't stay in place and didn't follow at all in class. Being rather extreme in his behaviour, Antoine does not have many friends because he is rather invasive. The simplest things at home were complicated, every morning putting on a jacket and putting on your shoes was part of a fighter's course. Homework was probably the most dreaded part of the day. A simple lesson and exercise could take several hours and often ended in punishment.
Bedtime was also difficult, he never fell asleep before 22:30, which of course was a problem the next day at sunrise.
Antoine went through all the possible remediation. Having accumulated a delay due to his lack of concentration, he was followed for 2 years by a speech therapist. We have accumulated various remediations, Pedopsy, Ergotherapeute etc.... I think that these remediations have damaged his self-esteem because it has only amplified his differences. Wednesdays were dedicated to appointments and we would have preferred to see him play football!
The Neuropediatrician recommended Ritalin. This is precisely what led us to Neurofeedback and Veronica. There was no way I was going to drug my son and that solution was our last hope.
These sessions were life-saving! Véronique has been able to reassure us and above all guide us through this long journey. The sessions were easy and our son enjoyed them, he didn't have to talk, he could relax and draw during the 33 minutes his central nervous system was training. 
We were doubtful because we had never heard of this method, but having nothing to lose, we committed ourselves to doing 20 sessions twice a week. From the 6th grade we noticed changes. He would fall asleep without any problem at night! Then things went on as the sessions progressed, homework was no longer a problem, I continued to help her but it was going well. The whole family atmosphere has changed. So much so that we resumed 20 sessions and 10 each for my husband and I. Today. All this remains a bad memory. He no longer has any problems and is relatively independent on the homework side. I wanted to share our experience because Dynamic neurofeedback should be better known, it has changed our lives and everyone should be able to benefit from it. When will Neuroptimal in Schools!? 
Parents, what are you waiting for to try, nothing is sent to the brain the method is non-invasive, safe regardless of age. It is the brain itself that repairs itself. 
I have no hesitation in recommending Neuroptimise, Veronique is very reassuring, very cool and an excellent companion!»

M Simonin, Strasbourg
«I have just reviewed the situation by completing a new checklist and I am still in shock. I really regained the energy of before and my joie de vivre in 10 sessions! I have plans, I've started writing again... the first thing I noticed was my sleep. From the second session I started sleeping like a baby, waking up rested and with a good morale. So I enjoy going to bed at night. Before I had the blues every night and I procrastinated to go to bed. I didn't fall asleep until 2:00 in the morning. Now I go to bed with a good book ( I think I read better!) and at 11pm I join Morphée. What surprised me when I filled out the second check list was that I had totally forgotten a lot of my worries, without really realizing it! It was by reviewing the first one that I realized how bad I was and how effective the sessions were. I went from 36 worries to 4! It's like I've changed my skin. I would like to share this testimony because I am now certain of the effects of Neurofeedback. Everyone should try it. And I would like to thank Véronique for her kindness and all her explanations 🙂
I'm already thinking of starting a series of 10 as early as next month to experience it all the way through.»

Lise R, Brumath
«I came to Neuroptimise to test Neurofeedback for my 9-year-old son who had major concentration problems and sleep problems as well as frequent waking up and bed-wetting. After two sessions the enuresis disappeared, he started sleeping all at once and I can say that his concentration is much improved, when we do homework he no longer escapes every 2 minutes as it was the case! Our son has been much more fulfilled since then and I no longer stress when it comes to homework.
We did 10 sessions and although doubtful at first, I now recommend Neurofeedback without hesitation. It's a method that deserves to be better known!»

M. Goetz, Hoerdt
Amanda from Bryant, Arkansas rented a unit from the Brain Change Center and had this to say after a month of NeurOptimal:
«Hi this is Amanda B. I used the NeurOptimal machine from Dec 2018 to Feb 2019 and am offering this review as my assessment based on my experience.”

I have a traumatic background which includes repeated childhood sexual abuse from ages 9 to 15. I also experienced emotional abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as a child being raised in an alcoholic home. As I reached adulthood, it was obvious that I adopted survival mechanisms as a child that allowed me to survive those difficult times, but they became maladaptive as I tried to navigate my adult life. Mostly, the confusion and lack of clear thinking was scary and caused anxiety and depression. I started trauma recovery to get help with the anxiety, depression and confusion in my life.

After four years of talk therapy, EMDR, and EFT, some things had improved, but I still had mental confusion and despair that I could not get past. I decided to try the NeurOptimal system to complement those other modalities. And what NeurOptimal gave me was a miracle. The confusion and despair is gone and I am able to function on a much higher level with less emotional problems. The best way to explain it is that I can now look at situations and think rationally about them with more organized thoughts instead of gloom and doom or catastrophic type thinking. The biggest gift that this clearer more organized thinking has given me is that I stopped being so negative about others which allowed me to get out in community.

Before using the NeurOptimal system, I thought people were mean and untrustworthy and I looked at life through the lens of my past trauma. I would shy away from people often and if I were to ever brave a group function, I would be extremely uncomfortable only sitting in the background silent where no one could get to know me and I could get to know no one. After NeurOptimal my thinking became more organized and clear, I am now excited to go to group functions and I am able to engage with people; to talk and connect.

This connection with others has made a huge difference in my well being and has brought more meaning to a recovery term I had often heard, “recovery happens in groups” or “healing happens in relationship”. In the past, my thinking stopped me from being in relationship, which slowed my recovery. But, NeurOptimal changed the way I think; it’s a miracle!! My time with NeurOptimal has resulted in giving me a life again. Even though my thinking is clear and the depression and anxiety have lifted, I still have a need to continue to talk about and process the traumatic memories that resulted from a childhood of disfunction. So, as I continue my trauma recovery work in traditional talk therapy, EMDR, and EFT, I will remember NeurOptimal as the tool that made true recovery possible. A tool that gave me my life back.»

Amanda B., Bryant Arkansas
I am only at the beginning of my sessions (5) and yet I have already felt several positive changes in just a few weeks. I am agoraphobic and my appointment was made when I was in the middle of a relapse. Since my first appointment, I have been able to go out shopping, have a friend over for several days at home, answer calls without anxiety, make calls without anxiety, work peacefully, get back to sleep much less off schedule, etc. I am now able to go to the shops, have a friend over for a few days at home, and I am able to work in peace. I am still prone to anxiety attacks but it has nothing to do with what I was experiencing just 2 months ago. I am so surprised and delighted with the results that I am planning to rent a machine. I recommend it 100%!
Louise B, Reichstett 

I did a neurofeedback intensive—15 sessions in 15 days—out of my life-long interest in potentiating myself. I saw a distinct improvement in my awareness and in my ability to release habitual thoughts.

52 years old, life coach, NYC
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