Frequently Asked Questions

How does a session work?
5 silver sensors are placed on your scalp and ears, 3 on the right and 2 on the left. These sensors are connected to a computer system equipped with highly sophisticated software in charge of processing your EEG activity. While you listen to relaxing music - or watch a movie if you are a child - the system communicates with your brain. You may notice very brief interruptions in the sound. These auditory interruptions are the feedback that your brain interprets as the signal to activate neuroplasticity mechanisms and reorganize itself. These interruptions occur at a particular time in brain activity and allow your brain to return to stability by self-regulating. Thanks to the principles of homeostasis, your brain naturally knows what it must do to balance its own activity and function better. There is no effort to make when listening to the music because lʼapprentissage is done unconsciously. Lʼidéal is even to let go, to give up all self-control. You can close your eyes, or read while your brain is doing its job. The training session lasts 33 minutes. Most customers leave relaxed.

How long does a session last?
The actual learning session lasts 33 minutes and takes about an hour in total, including a discussion of the changes observed, installation and removal of the sensors. The first session is longer because we take the time to discuss filling out a follow-up form and explaining the principles of the method.

How many sessions are required?
There is no standard answer to this question because everyone's central nervous system is different. As a result, the number of sessions required varies from one person to another. However, NeurOptimal® has more than three million hours of experience and it is also possible to make some predictions. Most clients notice changes around 6 sessions, sometimes less, and stable positive effects observed after a dozen sessions. For more complex problems such as ADHD, post-traumatic stress, age-related cognitive declines, chronic pain, etc... it often takes about twenty or more sessions, depending on each person's history and expectations. In general, clients attend between 10 and 20 sessions and are satisfied with the changes, regardless of the reason for coming.

How often?
It is up to you to decide how often you want to have your sessions. According to your possibilities and your feelings. Two sessions per week is ideal. But depending on your constraints, we can only do one session per week, in which case the changes may take longer to appear. One session a week also allows you to step back and let the changes come slowly.
Some clients do intensive internships, in these cases, we can go up to 2 sessions per day spaced at least two hours apart!

When to stop?
Cʼest to the person to say if and when they are satisfied with the changes. However, it is advisable to continue the sessions beyond the satisfaction point in order to consolidate the changes so that they are better memorized in the long term, and more sustainable. Progress is then definitively achieved.

Are there any contraindications?
NeurOptimal® is 100% safe. No electric or magnetic current is sent to the brain. There are no restrictions or contraindications. Remember that the essence of neurofeedback is self-regulation. The NeurOptimal® method informs the brain about its own dynamics and allows it to better regulate itself where necessary. Training allows you to break bad mental habits that are not useful to you and not to force a new adaptation technique. The reorganization of connections between neurons will ALWAYS lead to better regulation, whatever the disorder.

What should I do if I am taking medication?
You must continue to take these medications and not change anything on your own. In some cases, the dosage may require a downward adjustment. It should be noted that benzodiazepines can slow progress due to their inhibitory effects.
Any decision regarding a change in your dosage or any medical questions should be discussed with your doctor.

Can there be any side effects?
NeurOptimal® is the safest neurofeedback system. It does not push the brain towards pre-established parameters. The method is very gentle and works with the natural dynamics of the brain, so side effects are rare. If they manifest themselves they are transient. In general, they are part of the change process and are a sign that "something is moving".

At what age can neurofeedback be performed?
We can do sessions at any age, there are no restrictions. Elderly people as well as babies can have sessions. However, the child must be calm enough to keep the sensors on his or her head. 
What changes can be expected?

Each person being different, it is impossible to predict the changes that will take place.
Most of the time, the first changes are a better quality of sleep and a sense of calm
the other changes follow. Your brain will make the changes in order and at a pace that is unique to you.
These changes are subtle but profound and are obtained naturally. 

People who train with NeurOptimal often report feeling calmer, having better mental accustoming, better concentration, more motivation, an increased ability to perform certain tasks and sometimes the disappearance of their fears, their blockages, a better ability to adapt or tolerate change...etc

Do the positive effects persist in the long term?
Yes, if there have been enough repetitions to consolidate the changes. They become the new operating standard that you will keep throughout your life. It's like learning to read, once the brain is integrated, it doesn't unlearn.

However, since the brain is a living organ, it reacts to any change, so stress, poor lifestyle, trauma, life difficulties, hormonal or other changes affect its balance. In this case, a few reminder sessions allow the brain to regain its optimal level of functioning. Most of the time, one or two reminder sessions are enough to restore your balance, which will be maintained for several months.

 It is recommended to maintain optimal brain function by having regular reminder sessions at your own pace when you feel the need (e.g., in times of stress, before an exam or important event, to recover from jet lag). It is up to you to decide, you are the actor of your well-being. 
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