Useful links

Useful links

Below you will find some videos, studies on neurofeedback, a series of articles, books and other useful links about neurofeedback.



NeurOptimal® is not a medical device and therefore doesn’t rely on researches to prove its worth. NeurOptimal® is based on a fundamentally different foundation: personal experience.  
Zengar®,who developed NeurOptimal®, encourages you to try it for yourself and make up your own mind.

However, the interest in conducting studies has been expressed on several occasions in the past and is still present today. That is why Zengar® has a research director who coordinates the studies in his team if you are ready to conduct one.
Studies conducted in the past are listed below:
In France
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback was the subject of a study for the treatment of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at the Laboratory of Functional Neurosciences and Pathologies of the University Hospital of Amiens (UMR 8160, CNRS unit) and has been the subject of a scientific publication.
> link to the study (English)

A study of the Pitié Salpêtrière was conducted in 2013 by Nathalie Gunther & Noëlle Duforest clinical psychologists, on the impact of  NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback on patients with temporal frontal pathologies, on stress, caregiver anxiety and the couple relationship.

In Italy
A preliminary study on patients suffering from tinnitus was undertaken in Italy with the non-linear NeurOptimal® neurofeedback.
These volunteers were subjected to a series of sessions, following which data from audiometric measurements and self-assessment questionnaires were collected regarding discomfort caused by tinnitus, level of pathological concern, depression, anxiety, stress and sleep quality.
The results obtained in this study are promising and seem to confirm the particularity of this technique, which is based on the fundamental principles of brain activity, self-regulation, neuroplasticity and learning.
> link to the study (Italian)

In the United States
A PUBMED (Foundation for Applied Brain Research in Ohio Cleveland USA) study, conducted in 2013 by J. Alvarez, Fl. Meyer, Dl Granoff, A. Lundy, showed the impact of  Dynamical Neurofeedback™ on Post Cancer Cognitive Impairment.

In Canada
An independent study was conducted in 2014 by Shane Parkhill, Bsc. Eng. under the supervision of Charlène Zietsma, Ph. D (Next Delta Consulting). This study was conducted with several hundred practitioners using the NeurOptimal software, totalling nearly 3 million hours of neurofeedback sessions. 
>link to the study here (English).

The value of 40% improvement is retained as the best that can be expected from most drugs for most of the symptoms assessed in the study. It is also a sufficiently satisfactory level of improvement to justify undertaking a serie of neurofeedback sessions.


The Form Within - My point of view - 2013
Karl H Pribram
The fascinating story of two hundred years of pioneering brain research, told from the unique perspective of the only brain scientist who has been and remains an active participant in this story over the past seventy years: Karl H. Pribram.

Pribram takes us on a fascinating journey from the dawn of our collective "recorded perceptions" in rock paintings to our greatest achievements as a species. He explains the important task of mapping the brain, the discovery of our holographic processing of memory and perception, and the detailed research that created our understanding of self-organizing biological systems.

Along the way, Pribram shares the intimate interactions he has had with some of the leading figures in 20th century science, including David Bohm, Francis Crick, John Eccles, Dennis Gabor, Hubel and Wiesel, Wolfgang Kohler, Karl Lashley, Aleksandr Romanovitch Luria, Ilya Prigogine, B.F. Skinner, Eugene Sokolov, and many others.

But this fascinating glimpse into our past is only part of the story. Pribram also provides us with insightful breakthroughs in a science of the future and shows us the way to understand how the brain works.

Neuroergonomics - 2003
Raja Parasuraman
Neuroergonomics can be defined as the study of brain and behaviour at work. It combines two disciplines - neuroscience, the study of brain function, and human factors, the study of how to match technology with the capabilities and limitations of people so they can work effectively and safely. The goal of merging these two fields is to use the startling discoveries of human brain and physiological functioning both to inform the design of technologies in the workplace and home, and to provide new training methods that enhance performance, expand capabilities, and optimise the fit between people and technology. Research in the area of neuroergonomics has blossomed in recent years with the emergence of noninvasive techniques for monitoring human brain function that can be used to study various aspects of human behaviour in relation to technology and work, including mental workload, visual attention, working memory, motor control, human-automation interaction, and adaptive automation. This volume provides the first systematic overview of this emerging area, describing the theoretical background, basic research, major methods, as well as the new and future areas of application. This collection will benefit a number of readers: the experienced researcher investigating related questions in human factors and cognitive neuroscience, the student wishing to get a rapid but systematic overview of the field, and the designer interested in novel approaches and new ideas for application.

Super Brain - 2013
Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E. Phd Tanzi 
Scientists tell us that we only use about 5% of our brain. So what is the fabulous potential behind the 95% that we are not exploiting? Deepak Chopra, author of numerous best-selling books, and Rudolph Tanzi, one of the world's leading experts on the causes of Alzheimer's disease, are exploring the latent potential of the brain. They show us the brains of the greatest geniuses of humanity (notably Einstein and Buddha), but also those of ordinary beings endowed with extraordinary faculties. The fabulous power of your brain offers you a cutting-edge scientific exploration that will reveal the keys to accessing your unused brain potential. 
A Symphony in the Brain - 2014 
Jim Robbins 

Discovered by a small body of scientific researchers, biofeedback has faced acceptance battles in the conservative medical world despite positive signs that could revolutionize the way an incredibly diverse range of medical and psychological problems are treated. This book offers a multitude of powerful case studies, accessible scientific explanations and amazing reports, Robbins' remarkable story expands our understanding of this important field.

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life - 2016
Dr. G Amen

This book provides you with scientific evidence that your anxiety, depression, anger, obsession or impulsivity may be related to how specific structures work in your brain. You're not stuck with the brain you were born with. Dr. Daniel Amen, a renowned neuropsychiatrist, includes new cutting-edge research from more than 100,000 SPECT brain scans over the past 25 years and the latest amazing and effective "brain prescriptions" that can heal your brain and change your life. 
This book offers simple techniques that will help you: calm anxiety and panic; fight depression; stimulate memory; overcome impulsivity and learn to concentrate; and stop obsessive worrying.
The Body Keeps the Score - 2015
Bessel van der Kolk

Essential reading for anyone interested in understanding and treating traumatic stress and the scope of its impact on society." --Alexander McFarlane, Director of the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies A pioneering researcher transforms our understanding of trauma and offers a bold new paradigm for healing in this New York Times bestseller Trauma is a fact of life. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath of combat; one in five Americans has been molested; one in four grew up with alcoholics; one in three couples have engaged in physical violence. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world's foremost experts on trauma, has spent over three decades working with survivors. In The Body Keeps the Score, he uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers' capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. He explores innovative treatments--from neurofeedback and meditation to sports, drama, and yoga--that offer new paths to recovery by activating the brain's natural neuroplasticity. 

Press Articles (French)

Psychologies February 2020
Psychologie February 2019
Yoga Magazine
Neosanté: Le neurofeedback dynamique
Elle Zen
Néo santé
Neosanté: Le neurofeedback dynamique
Science & Vie
Alternatif Bien-être
Wellness & Santé
Wellness santé
Science et Conscience
science et conscience
Neosanté: Le neurofeedback dynamique

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